My delicioso langostinos al curry.
Alli y yo en frente de la playa del Puerto Madryn.
Stephanie y yo, lista para nuestras bellenas.
Sea lions!
Whale sighting! The best part about this gulf was that, unlike whale watching in the US, you are GUARANTEED to see whales at this time of the year. And they were right. I saw at least 15 different whales, including an albino baby! I did, however, get some motion sickness. Que lastima. The first full day we saw whales and elephant seals. And a lost penguin that we named Douglas. But the second day we went to Punto Tombo and saw the Magellan penguins. We walked through the breeding grounds and I was inches from penguins. Absurd. More than 250,000 penguins!
Alli and I, seizing from penguin exposure. And then a picture of us with the Argentinian flag. If you look very hard you can see penguinos swimming/playing in the water! What an amazing long weekend!